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Evening Primrose Oil 500mg

Evening Primrose Oil 500mg

Brand : PRIMOVERA-500

Description: Primos contains 500mg of active ingredient per capsule, which is equivalent to approximately 15 mL of oil. Evening primrose oil (EPO) has been used in traditional European medicine for centuries as a natural anti - inflammatory and immune system stimulant. Numerous studies have shown that EPO holds great promise in supporting joint health and reducing pain associated with RA through several mechanisms, including increasing lubrication within joints, inhibiting synovial inflammation, modulating prostaglandin E2 production, supporting cartilage growth, and upregulating regulatory T cells.
  • Gentle analgesic for joint pain and inflammation. .
  • Promotes healthy skin and hair by promoting collagen synthesis.
  • Helps support cardiovascular health, including blood clotting..
  • Note: All these medications should be taken under doctor's supervision.

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